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VS Code: Minimap Section Headers

VS Code Minimap Section Headers featured image

If you use the minimap, then you’re probably trying to quickly scan and navigate across large files.

Chances are you’re also leaving comments to make it even more easier for the eye.

Well, VS Code has introduced a new feature that allows you to place section headings so you can scan and navigate large files easier.

Let’s get started!

🎥 I’ve prepared a full video walkthrough as we’re discussing visual things


To place a section header in the code, simply add a comment and use the following syntax:


VS Code Section Header on the Minimap

You can add the section header to any code that supports comments.

Section Header Font Size

If the section headings are not big enough, you can change their size.

Press down CTRL + , (comma) to open Settings and search for Editor > Minimap: Section Header Font Size. Then choose the desired font size.


You can also change the font size within the settings.json file.

"editor.minimap.sectionHeaderFontSize": 9,

Happy coding 💜

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