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100 Subscribers Celebration 🎉| Thank You | What’s Next?

100 subscribers celebration

This is a special post!

A few days ago Neutron Dev YouTube channel reached 100 subscribers 🎉

It ain’t much but it’s honest work!

To me, this milestone is a huge deal, not only because I didn’t expect the channel to reach 100 subscribers in a half a year, but also because of the positive feedback I received every time I published an article or uploaded a video on YouTube.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support and your kind words.

My friends who are probably reading this post know how hard was it for me to create each video because it’s not easy for me to speak publicly and in front of a camera.

And by doing so, I was able to somehow conquer my anxiety, which is a big achievement for me.

I am thankful, once again, for those who encouraged me to create the channel and make video tutorials, not just blog posts.

What’s next?

This year I will continue making Laravel tutorials, VS Code Pro tips, and other general web development tutorials.

But I would like to also add something new…

[drum rolls…]

JavaScript tutorials.

I know the web is already full of JavaScript courses and articles but I will try to add my own flavor.

As usual, I will try to keep the videos and blog posts as short as possible, straight to the point, and without fluff.

You may or may not have noticed, but in my videos, I don’t ask you to like, subscribe, click the bell icon, and all that kind of stuff.

I think that if you like the video you’re watching and you managed to get at least some useful information out of it, you will press the like or subscribe button without me asking you to do it.

Stay tuned for more content and I will see you around.

Take care and happy coding!

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