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Detect CAPS LOCK with JavaScript

Detect Caps Lock with JavaScript

Sometimes it’s possible to have Caps Lock on without realizing it.

It’s even more frustrating when this happens while creating a password.

That’s why some applications choose to warn their users when Caps Lock is on.

I’ll show you a simple way to implement a method to detect if the user has Caps Lock on.

Play around with the demo:

See the Pen Untitled by Carol-Theodor Pelu (@Tynael) on CodePen.

We can detect the Caps Lock key by using the getModifierState() method that is available on the keyboardEvent.

I chose to use the 'keyup' event but 'keydown' can also work in some scenarios.

  let warningMessage = document.getElementById('warning-message');
  let passwordInput = document.getElementById('password-input');

  passwordInput.addEventListener("keyup", (keyboardEvent) => {
      const isCapsLockOn = keyboardEvent.getModifierState("CapsLock");

      if (isCapsLockOn) {
 = "block";
      } else {
 = "none";

🎥 Watch the video for a full walkthrough:

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