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VS Code — Display Pinned Tabs on Separate Row

VS Code Display Pinned Tabs on Separate Row

VS Code allows you to pin the editor tabs.

VS Code Pinned Editor Tabs

But did you know you can now display pinned tabs on a separate row?

VS Code Display Pinned Tabs on Separate Row

This way, it makes it easier to differentiate between pinned tabs and regular editor tabs.

Let’s check it out!

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Display Pinned Tabs on Separate Row

Press CTRL + , (comma) to open the Settings tab.

Or to go File -> Preferences -> Settings.

Search for “pinned tas on separate row” and tick the checkbox.

Now the pinned tabs are displayed on the top row, while the other tabs are on the bottom row.

You can also use the workbench.editor.pinnedTabsOnSeparateRow (true|false) setting in your settings.json file.

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