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VS Code Wrap Tabs to Multi-Line / Stack Tabs

vs code wrap tabs multi line stack

If you’re working with a lot of editor tabs open, you already know how unpleasant it is to scroll through tabs to find the file that you want.

VS Code now allows you to have the tabs wrapped over multiple lines.

In this post, we’re gonna be looking at how to enable a newly added VS code feature that allows us to wrap/stack the tabs to multiple lines.

And as always, I’m going the extra mile and I’ll be showing you another cool setting that will partially hide files names so you can save up some more space if you’d want to.

Let’s get started!


Enable Wrap Tabs

You can enable this setting by going to

File -> Preferences -> Settings

Search for “wrap tabs” and enable the Wrap Tabs option.

Right away you’ll notice that the tabs are stacked on top of each other.

If you want to have more control over your settings, press down CTRL + P search and open the settings.json file.

Type in "workbench.editor.wrapTabs": true and save the file.

And voilà!

But wait, there’s more!

Have more space

You can prevent wrapped tabs from growing too large by setting up
"workbench.editor.tabSizing": "shrink"

You’ll notice that the files name’s are partially hidden so you can save up some more space if you’d want to.

That’s it for today.

Enjoy coding!

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